As salam o alaikum wa rehmat ullah
wa barakatahu
i want to ask that, i have a son 3 years old. ifed him breast milk for 2 years now i have
stopped it but now what he do is he come and hold my breasts and press and some times put his hand into my shirt and start rubbing it .. healso some times wants me to rise my shirt and show him my breasts so that he can touch see and play with breast ..
he use to play with my breast if i stop him he get angry and start weeping.
he even didnot eat his food is i dont show him or he is not holding my breasts. when we sleep he wants me to take up my shirt and in day also he want to keep my breasts out of my shirt. while giving bath he want the same or also to takeoff my shirt too. if i took off his shirt due to some reason like hot weather he want me to do the same..
guide me what should i do
الموضوع الفقهي : طفل يحب النظر إلى ثديي أمه
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
الجواب على سؤالكم هو التالي: لقد تدبرنا كلامك حول طفلك الذي يهوى النظر إلى ثدييك وهي حالة قبيحة عقلاًوعرفاً ولها نتائج شرعية سيئة على مستقبله فلا يؤمن عليه في حال اعتاد على هذه العادة السيئة من أن يستمر عليها بعد بلوغه فيؤدي الأمر إلى الإستئناس بصدرك عند بلوغه بل إلى ما هو أعظم من الصدر وهو الفرج والعياذ بالله تعالى.
...فالنظر إلى صدرك له مسلزمات غير شرعية كالوصول إلى الشهوة ومن ثم الإمناء أو الإعتداء عليكِ وهو شيءخطير حتى قبل بلوغه فلربما يصل إلى مرحلة التمييز في سنٍّ مبكرة جداً.
وفي هذه الحال يجب على الأم التستر عن الطفل بل يجب عليك التستر عنه من الآن فصاعداً حتى لا يعتاد على النظر إلى صدرك فيؤدي إلى ما هو أعظم وبالتالي يؤدي إلى نتائج سلبية عليه كإستمنائه بإشتهائه لكِ مما يؤدي في أكثر الأحيان إلى إغتصابك والعياذ بالله تعالى..فانتبهي جيداً فإن الأمر خطير جداً..والسلام عليكم.
حررها العبد الشيخ محمد جميل حمود العاملي
بيروت بتاريخ 4 جمادى الثانية 1435هـ.
Fiqh Case: A Child Who Prevertedly Eyes His Mother's Breasts
In the name of Allah, the Most-Compassionate, the Most-Merciful
Peace be upon you.
We have reflected on your talk about how your son enjoys eying your breasts, an occurrence that is rather repulsive, both logically and humanly. This perverted urge does have some grievously bad results in your son's future at the religious level as he may grow this perverted urge into a bad habit when he reaches puberty. This may lead him even to more perverted acts such as desiring his mother's genital parts, God forbid.
Your son's persistent looking at your chest would lead to strictly forbidden results such as building up an incontrollable desire, masturbation, or even rape against you. This perverted desire, then, is regarded rather dangerous as it may even lead your son to earlier puberty and premature ability to make logical distinctions.
In this case, the mother is to make sure that she immediately starts putting up decent clothing in front of her son so as she avoids arousing his perverted urge to eye her breast and incurring some dreary consequences we have just mentioned above. She has to take these precautions as the matter is seriously critical.
Peace be upon you.